
You might be asked by our support team to set up a traceroute.

You will find a small tool called WINMTR at

Download this, unzip and launch it.
Once the program is running, enter the server IP in the Host field and click Start.
After a minute, once the program has performed a traceroute for the IP, press Stop.
You can then either copy the results by pressing "Copy Text to Clipboard" or save the results in a text file by selecting "Export Text".
However, as this only gives use a traceroute from you to us, we also require a traceroute from us to you. This can be done with this script which we supply for you:

Please note that both traceroutes need to be produced at the same time, and the time at which the traceroutes were produced needs to be indicated.

Nuage de tags: Traceroute
Dernière mise à jour :
2014-09-29 15:27
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Moyenne des notes : 3 (2 Votes)

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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.