Teamspeak 3 Android open beta

Teamspeak 3 Android open beta

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powered by 4Netplayers
Category: Mobile Apps
Version: 1.0
License: Non-Commercial
Compatibility: TS3
Hits: 153491
4.72 out of 5 stars from 14 ratings

Download description:

The developers of Teamspeak have again published something great. After numerous opened and closed beta tests a freely accessible App for Android is now here!
It should be noted that this is still a beta version, errors can still occur. However, everything functioned perfectly in our tests
Almost stands in the way of the new Teamspeak App for the client - simple things such as poking can now be done with the mobile phone.
The App also has minimum requirements, but this should not pose a great problem for the current mobile phones:
  • at least a ARMv7 CPU
  • at least Android 2.3.3
  • at least 800 MHz (CPU)


    in addition to this, it should be clear to everyone that you can only use your Teamspeak with Wlan, LTE or 3G networks.
    In order to be able to install the Apps, you must allow "Unknown sources" as an installation possibility in your settings - this varies from mobile phone to mobile phone. It is best to look in your settings App, maybe you will find it yourself. 
    Simply download, place on your mobile phone then open and install it there. Have fun with it!